Saturday, January 16, 2016

Reflux during Pregnancy
Reflux during Pregnancy affects most mum's to be at some point. Here are some helpful ways to relieve this:
During pregnancy, there is less room as the baby takes up space usually used for digestion. It puts an upward pressure on the stomach. This can cause reflux.

1. Eat small regular meals
 Decrease your portions size so that you do not feel "full". Instead of eating 3 square meals a day, try eating 5 to 6 meals a day.

 2. Slow and steady
 Try not to bolt down food as this can cause indigestion and heartburn. Slow down, relax and enjoy your food.

 3. Sip Liquids
 During meals sip liquids. Try avoid drinking during meals and rather drink between meals.

4. After a meal Sit or Stand
 Try taking a little walk after meals or sit and read. What ever you do DO NOT lie down or bend over after a meal. This will cause reflux.

 5. Do not eat just before bed time
 The recommendation is to not eat 3 hours before bed. Also, try to avoid drinking a couple of hours before bed.

 6. Keep your head and chest elevated during sleep
 Try using a wedge shaped pillow as this allows gravity to be your friend. Sleep on your left side

 7. Know your triggers and avoid
 Get to know your responses to various foods. Every one is different. Avoid your personal triggers.

 8. Wear loose fitting clothes.
 Everything is already pretty crammed inside. Try wearing as loose clothes as possible.

9. Diet
Foods high in fats such as nuts, seeds, tuna, sardines, salmon, fatty chips and meat may increase
the chances of developing reflux. Tomatoes, oranges, and grapefruits may also trigger reflux. Chocolate has theobromine that can relax the sphincter between the stomach and the oesophagus which may result in reflux. Caffeinated drinks and onions may cause reflux. Foods high in fiber may help prevent reflux.

10. Herbal teas

Ginger in any form will settle a stomach
along with reflux.
Chamomile tea will relax as well as calm indigestion, best to 
avoid peppermint.

Phone for appointment: 1300525111 

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